Letter From The Executive Director

By Abby Austin Greetings Association Members,  We did it again! Another successful Scholarship season, Aircraft Raffle Fundraiser and Great Alaska Aviation Gathering are behind us! A huge thank you to our dedicated staff, Board of Directors, sponsors, volunteers, exhibitors, and everyone who purchased raffle tickets. Your support is the lifeblood of this Association. The funds…

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Valdez Fly-In 20th Anniversary

By Regan Tunstall Soon after the Great Alaska Aviation Gathering, the Airmen headed to Valdez for the 20th anniversary STOL competition. This year, we were excited to be more involved with helping organize the fly-in as we’re huge supporters of this annual event. Like years in the past, we had our booth set up and…

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President’s Report

By Stephen Ratcliff June 26, 2024   Greetings Airmen’s Members,  First off, thank you to all our members, exhibitors, supporters, and aviation enthusiasts that participated in this year’s Great Alaska Aviation Gathering in Palmer.  By all accounts, the Gathering was a success and an exciting time for all who attended.  It was great to see the…

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By John M. Dahlen Caelyn and Christina Wise became two of Alaska’s newest licensed pilots this summer! These remarkable twins, who are both NextGen members of the Alaska Airmen’s Association, represent all that’s good about our next generation of pilots and world leaders. They are well-educated via homeschool by their Mom, Lorna; exceptionally thoughtful and…

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Magnets, Electricity You and Me. 

By Bernie Willis Some days I wish magnetism was as simple as moving metal filings around on a piece of paper with a magnet underneath.  But if it were simple we wouldn’t have radios, lights, LED’s, cars, trucks or airplanes, just sail boats lost at sea out of sight of land.  Our understanding of magnetism…

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NextGen Spotlight

By Regan Tunstall Scholarship Winners  Congratulations to our 2024 scholarship winners! The Airmen are extremely thankful for all the contributors and applicants that made this possible. We are so grateful that the scholarship program grows significantly every year and that we can help more students achieve their goals in the aviation industry.   Are you a…

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This Month in Aviation History

By Regan Tunstall On June 11th, 1971, an English aviator named Sheila Scott, made history by being the first to fly around the world by going over the North Pole. Scott had already broken several records, such as being the first European woman to fly solo around the world in 1966 and setting a new…

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Advocacy at Work

By Adam White, Alaska Airmen’s Association Government Affairs We continue to work with Federal, State, and local officials on behalf of our members, ensuring Alaska Aviation remains accessible and a viable means of transportation and recreation. The following issues are limited examples of how we work towards those goals.  FAA Airport Compliance Inspections  The FAA…

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OPINION: A safe transition to unleaded aviation fuel must be methodical and cautious 

By Will Day, Executive Director, Alaska Air Carriers Association, and Adam White, Government and Legislative Affairs Advocate, Alaska Airmen’s Association  Alaska’s reliance on aviation to meet basic human needs is unparalleled in the United States. A staggering 82% of our communities are situated beyond the road system, making air transportation the primary resource for travel,…

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Tools to Navigate the Fire Season in Alaska 

Tom George, AOPA Alaska Regional Manager  We are now firmly into the wildfire season in parts of Alaska.  As the snow goes away, and the landscape dries out, smoke will invariably follow.  As aviators, this means it is time to watch out for active fire fighting operations, as well as considering the potential impact of…

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