"To protect, preserve, and promote General Aviation in Alaska"


We are a non-profit 501 (c) 3 membership-based organization, established in 1951. We are the largest General Aviation (GA) organization in Alaska. With over 2,000 active members, this also makes it one of the largest GA groups in the country.  Our sole purpose is to protect, preserve, and promote general aviation.

We host the Great Alaska Aviation Gathering, annually, with over 20,000 attendees and more than 200 exhibitors from around the world this is one of America's largest free-entry aviation tradeshows. We also host our annual Aircraft Raffle, which is the Association's main fundraiser source and the largest raffle hosted in Alaska.


The Alaska Airmen's Association includes over 2,000 members—we are one of the largest General Aviation communities in the country. We strive to promote aviation, enhance safety and support initiatives that benefit pilots and grow the aviation community. Whether you're a veteran pilot or you've discovered a passion for aviation, the Alaska Airmen's Association is proud to welcome new members who share the wonders of flight in the Last Frontier!


Our members include pilots, students through ATP, mechanics, airline employees, aviation enthusiasts, as well as individuals and businesses that have an interest in aviation. Our members reside in 5 countries, 46 states, and more than 50 Alaskan cities and villages. Membership is open to everyone, including non-Alaskan residents.

Board of Directors






Stephen is a 2nd generation skywagon pilot and grew up with aviation as a part of his life when he started flying with his father in a 185 as a small child.

Stephen lived in Alaska and Wyoming as a boy before moving to Texas.  He worked on his pilots' license while in college at Texas A&M University, when not studying to become a Petroleum Engineer.  After graduation in 2003, he went to work in the oil & gas industry.  In 2013 he moved back to Anchorage with his wife and son when he took a position with a startup oil company.

Stephen also serves on the board of directors for two energy related service companies as well as the Alaska Director for the 180/185 Club.  Stephen is active in the community and more specifically in the aviation community and flying the great state of Alaska!

He is grateful at the opportunity to serve on the board for the Alaska Airmen Association and hopes to further the vision of aviation in the great state of Alaska.

Abe - Picture


Vice President



Abe is a pilot recreationally and a mechanical engineer professionally. He is originally from North Carolina, where his interest in aviation started at a young age after flying over the family farm on an EAA Young Eagles flight as a child. Experiences like this solidified the importance of sharing his passion for aviation with others.

After obtaining his pilot's license shortly after college, it was the pursuit of aviation-related jobs that brought him to Alaska, where he has worked previously as Lead Engineer and Head of Manufacturing for Airframes Alaska and Alaskan Bushwheel. It was through working on those projects related to and flying in Piper Super Cubs that his interest specifically in STOL and backcountry aircraft developed.

Currently, he is the co-owner of Helio Alaska, Inc. based at Birchwood Airport in Chugiak. Helio Alaska is the holder of the Type Certificate to the Helio Courier aircraft and they are working to return it to production. The Courier, like the Super Cub, is uniquely suited to the demands of backcountry and off-field flying in Alaska and other remote places. Many of the original production of Helio Couriers still in service are operating in Alaska and Northern Canada due to their short-field performance and rugged utility.

Abe is also an officer of the Birchwood Airport Association and the High School to Flight School nonprofit scholarship program for Anchorage and Mat-Su area high school students. The HSFS program is funded through private donations and strives to engage and support local young people wanting to become involved in aviation in Alaska by removing the financial burden of flight training for selected students who demonstrate exceptional work ethic and involvement in their community through volunteer programs.


Incoming Board Member Stephanie Painter





Stephanie Painter is a 4th generation Alaskan and 3rd generation Alaska pilot. She started her flight training in Oregon while finishing up a BS in Geography and then returned to Alaska, eventually attaining her private certificate at Merrill Field in 2010.

Soon after getting her ticket, Stephanie and her partner (who eventually became her husband) acquired a 1950 PA-20 Pacer that opened the doors to all things Alaska and aviation. There was no looking back. Stephanie worked in multiple technical, supervisory and GIS mapping roles for the Municipality of Anchorage before leaving in 2016 to look after her budding aerial mapping business, JAV Imagery LLC. By 2018 the business was growing rapidly and her husband also left his career to join her.  Together they operate 26 single and twin-engine planes in all 50 states. JAV Imagery has now had the pleasure of working with over 150 pilots, building time on their way to successful aviation careers. Stephanie is honored with the opportunity to serve as a board member with the Airmen and looks forward supporting the mission of creating a robust aviation community for current and future generations of Alaskans. She still has the Pacer, but now you will most often find her loading car seats and coolers into the back of a cherry red converted 182.

Adam s





Aviation came a bit later for Adam in the form of a career change, fueled by the passion for flying that was instilled in him by his father and grandfather.
After completing his aviation degree in Walla Walla, WA, Adam moved to Talkeetna, Alaska to provide tailwheel and floatplane instruction. Adam, and his wife Reagan, thought they were embarking on a summer adventure, but decided to make Anchorage their permanent home after discovering Alaska’s beauty and unique way of life.

When not working as a corporate pilot on the North Slope, or on the family’s app-based aviation business, Adam enjoys spending time off exploring in the family PA-14.

Recognizing the privilege to fly in such a rewarding and challenging environment, he is passionate about sharing this opportunity with others. Adam is honored to serve on the board of the Alaska Airmen’s Association.






Hello, My name is Steven Lewis. My family and I, consisting of my wife, and our three teenage kids, have been residents of Alaska for the past thirteen years. We came for a vacation and never left, true story.

I've been an aviator for 30 years. My career began in sailplanes and tailwheel aircraft and has taken me into international heavy cargo. I spent ten years of those years flying medevac, cargo and flight instruction all throughout Alaska. That was rewarding and also gave me a first hand perspective of the the unique challenges facing aviation in our state. From the ever changing and often unpredictable weather patterns to complex terrain and complex social interactions. These challenges can be exciting, but they also require an alertness, respect and understanding that can't be underestimated. I will strive to share what I've learned from my personal experiences with the Airmen's Association. I am proud to lend a hand in the work of promoting and furthering aviation and aviation safety in this great state.

Incoming Board Member David Krumm





Lieutenant General (Ret.) David Krumm is a trusted executive leader widely known as a strategic planner with demonstrated success building high-performance, effective teams and team of teams through empowerment, lasting relationship building, timely decision making, problem solving, and conflict management.

He is currently a Director of Strategy and Planning at BAE Systems and recently completed a diverse military career with his concluding assignment as the Commander of Alaska NORAD Region, Alaska Command, and the 11th Air Force. David possesses relevant and practical experience in a wide range of government, national security, and defense-related areas. He is a graduate of Auburn University and holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from that institution. David also attended Harvard University in the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Program and is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Seminar 21 program.



The Alaska Airmen's Association maintains an active liaison with agencies and departments across the United States, the State of Alaska and local governments that are charged with the responsibility of regulating General Aviation.

Everyday we address important issues such as the closure of airstrips, airspace, state leasing regulations, weather, aircraft taxing, etc. Volunteers sit on numerous committees statewide representing you and the best interests of General Aviation.

We have several levels of membership to choose from. With each level, you will receive a substantial member benefits package. Each level includes our quarterly publication, to provide access to Association activities, such as pilot safety meetings, seminars, fly-ins, banquets, special events volunteer opportunities, the latest and greatest in General Aviation, and more! Membership discounts are available around the state and online, on fuel, aviation parts, survival equipment, labor and more.

Staff Members



Executive Director



Abby began her flying and aviation career in her hometown of Austin, Texas, working at the local FBO. Having found her passion, she completed her flight certifications and Aviation Management degree at the University of North Dakota. She holds a Commercial license with Instrument, Multi-Engine, and Seaplane ratings.
During her 20-year career in general aviation, she has had the opportunity to work in almost every sector of the industry from Flight Schools and 135 Charter Operations to Manufacturers and Parts Distributors. Over the years, she has become increasingly aware of the greatest challenge the industry faces – the need to cultivate the next generation of pilots, mechanics, and other industry professionals. Increasing access to and participation in general aviation has been a passion of hers both personally and through volunteer work with groups like the 99s and Youth Aviation Adventure.

She is excited for the opportunity to work with the Airmen’s Association and to devote her energy full time to protect, preserve, and promote general aviation in Alaska and beyond.


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Government & Legislative Affairs Advocate



Adam grew up in Georgia, where his first real job as a kid was washing and refueling airplanes at the local airport, within a short time he was a mechanic's apprentice and flying whenever he could.

Adam came to Alaska in 1995 after earning a BS in Aviation Technology from LeTourneau University where he also earned his pilot and mechanic certificates. He holds CFII, Multi, and Seaplane ratings. Living in Nenana with his wife and three daughters, he is an Itinerant Pastor flying his Maule M7 throughout the Interior visiting homesteads, fishcamps and Villages. Adam is actively involved in the aviation community of Fairbanks and the Interior.


Regan legend cub


Operations Coordinator



Regan comes from a military family and has spent most of her life in and out of Alaska. Outside of the Airmen's Association, she is a photographer currently working on getting a certificate in journalism to pursue her dream of becoming a photojournalist and traveling the world.

Regan has received most of her aviation knowledge from her dad who was a helicopter pilot in the Coast Guard. Because of that she has visited quite a few aviation museums around the country and has learned a good deal about military aircraft especially. Since joining the team at the Airmen's Association, she has found her own interest in aviation and is excited to continue learning more and helping the community grow


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Marketing & Outreach Coordinator



Truth was raised in Hawaii and Alaska. When she’s not at school or work, she enjoys hiking, snowboarding or enjoying the outdoors.
Truth is currently perusing a double major in Communications and Psychology with a minor in Art at the University of Anchorage Alaska. She also will soon be completing her OEC in Graphic Design and sells art on her off time


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Jackie Mass

Business Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00AM - 5:00PM AKST



(907) 245-1251



Alaska Airmen's Association

4200 Floatplane Drive

Anchorage, AK 99502