Monthly Advocacy Updates

Every third Tuesday of the month.

"Our Voice for General Aviation in Alaska"
Raffle cub on skis w-Adam 02


Government & Legislative Affairs

"Our Voice For General Aviation"

(907) 322-1098

Check out all previous advocacy updates HERE


through participation in the following organizations

  • Alaska Aviation Coordination Council
  • FAA/Industry Council
  • Alaska Civilian & Military Advisory Council
  • FAA, Pilot/Controller forums
  • Multiple Airport Users group
  • Kenai Peninsula CTAF working group
  • EAGLE AVGAS coalition
  • Anchorage Airspace Redesign Working Group
  • Non-towered Airport Mid-Air working group
  • Canadian ADS-B requirements industry working group
  • FAA National PIREP Improvement working group
  • Multiple Runway Safety Action Team working groups
  • PIREP Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Research Project
  • Governor’s Aviation Advisory Board
  • National Weather Service Aviation Weather working group
  • NASA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Aviation Initiative
  • FAA Alaska Safety Initiative, Subject Matter Expert

Successes and impact 

5 big wins


We have been very effective at making sure new airspace expansions did not go unchecked. Special Use Airspace, Temporary Flight Restrictions, Anchorage Class C redesign to name a few



Insuring that new regulations and capabilities for the drone industry do not limit or hinder anyone’s access to Alaska.


The goto Organization for Alaska General Aviation information

Lawmakers, policy setters, regulators, media, tourist pilots, and local pilots.


New ADS-B Ground Stations

Nine new station coming online across Alaska in the next couple of years


New Standards for Communication Gaps

The Alaska Airmen’s Association was very instrumental in getting the FAA to revise their Communication Gap policy for new IFR routes to include Flight Service capabilities and not be limited to Anchorage Center’s coverage.

advocacy at work

Adam white, Alaska airmen's association government affairs 

We continue to work on behalf of our members with Federal, State, and local officials making sure Alaska Aviation remains accessible and a viable means of transportation and recreation. The following issues are limited examples of how we work towards those goals.



If you want more information on these topics, have questions, comments, or know of new issues, please contact Adam White ( 907-245-1251). Watch Adam's monthly live updates on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Please copy the Alaska Airmen's Association when you file your public comments.