Life time members And wall of fame

Located at the Airmen's Office

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our cherished Lifetime Members. Your unwavering support and dedication to General Aviation in Alaska and the Alaska Airmen's Association mean the world to us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing by us and being an integral part of our aviation family.


A. Douglas Hulen

Adrian Ryan - "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest."

Alan R. Crane - "To fly is to be truly free!"

Alan T. White - "Airmen - Airplane - Alaska - Dynamite!"

Andrew Alexander

Andy Durrett - "The Airmen Association has been a big support to pilots in Alaska."

Andy Grendahl

Anne Wilbur

Arthur Haefliger - "General aviation is a fragile industry - let us keep it all together!"

Arthur R. Formanek

Arthur R. Terrell - "Never forget God as your co-pilot."

Barry Byrne

Barton Tiernan

Bernie Vockner

Betsy Torres

Bill Dam

Bill Mears - "Make a full written plan before flying anywhere."

Brad Smith

Bruce Webb - "Every landing you walk away from is a good landing!"

Bub Hallett - "As a pilot, you have the right not to do anything wrong."

Bud Wellman

Caleb Newville

Carl W. Fundeen - "There is no room for complacency."

Charles B. Versaw

Charles F. La Page

Charles H. Rigden

Charles P. Nicholson - "Fly Alaska!"

Charlie Hewitt   "If you see someone without a smile, give them yours."

Chayon Maoittro

Chip Lewis

Chris J Phillips

Chuck Miller

Clay Waggood

Cliff Glenn

Clifford Clark

Colby Kelly - “Of all the times you almost die, chances are this won’t be the time”

Craig Thompson

Curt Harris - "Life is fragile and way too short for regrets. Pursue your dreams."

Curtis Cebulski

Dan Pitts

Dan W Easley - "Alaska can be dangerous. Pilots die here often. Listen, plan, learn."

Dana Pruhs

Daniel M Zivanich - "Fly in the middle of the air. Don't go near the edges."

Darrel S. Kester

Darrell Holmstrom - “The sky is home to those who love aviation."

Dave Bateman

David Carpentier

David D. Small   “Never stop learning."

David Gransbury

David Hermel

David J. Stoddard - "Situational awareness and recognizing your limitations is essential for safe flying."

David Kessler

Dennis L Bedford

Dennis Thompson

Dick Burley

Dick Dolman

Don DeVoe

Don Young

Donald R. Rogers - "Rule 1: fly the airplane. Rule 2: fly the airplane. Rule 3: fly the airplane."

Douglas G. Millard

Douglas H. Leamon

Douglas J. Jenney

Douglas Staats - "Do your best to avoid becoming the object of a search."

Duane B. Toavs

Dwight Bowser

Ed Rasmuson

Edward E. Beeman

Eric E. Johnson - "When in doubt, don't."

Felix H. Egolf - "I fell in love at first glance - with flying in Alaska!"

Felix Maguire - "Don't accept it can't be done, ask why not? Why not?"

Frank C. Noble - "Member of the greatest aviation organization ever!"

Frank P. Ramsey

Frederick E. Wirth

Frederick K. Reinbold

G. Ray Galliher

Gary Fisher - "Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

Gary R. Bennett

Gary W. Quarles

George Heaverly

George Murphy

George Pappas

Geraldine Ivy

Graham Stewart

Greg Fischer - "Go for it and don't look back, something might be gaining on you."

Greg Remaklus

Gregory T. Grubba

Guy Goodboe - "Keep the blue side up - always."

Hank Swan

Harry F. Cook

Harvey D Denton

Heather Zulkanycz

Henry Knackstedt - "Flying Alaska skies since 1977."

Henry Wilson

Jack Krause

Jack Mc Manus - "Hope to see it all again through a child's eyes, my first airplane."

James F. Ellis

James Gill

James Henderson - Load 'em heavy, fuel 'em light, send 'em off into the arctic night.

James L. Vermillion

James Somerville

Jason Gastrock - "When flying high, Heaven's always above."

Jeff Carlson

Jeffrey D. Lawrence

Jeffrey Robert Moss

Jesse J. Korn

Jim Bern

Jim C. Walton - "I don't have to be anywhere. So I'll probably get there!"

Jim Dress

Jim Herrick - ”Aviation was my lifetime work on the ground or in the air."

Jim Jonsen

Jim Powell - "This plane can land anywhere; taking off again may be a challenge!"

Joe Boettner

Joe Shields

Joe Strazzulla

Joe Williamson

John A. Taber

John B. Ewles

John D. Frost - "Strive to be better than yourself."

John H. Riggs

John J. Trautner

John Knox

John Larson

John M Dahlen

John M. Sparaga - "Flying Alaska 35 years: wheels, skis, floats; best in the world."

John P. Mc Manamin

John R. Pratt - "Fly floats and fly safe."

John Sarvis

John W. Pletcher - "Fly the airplane that you are flying."

John W. Spalding - "As a pilot in doubt, don't."

Jon P. Franklin

Joseph M. Smith

Judy Hickey

Ken Arndt

Kenneth M Dennison - "Use your noodle."

Kenneth W. Eggleston

Kent Muehlhausen

Kevin G Greenfield

Kevin Kangas

Kevin L Ahl - "Dream big, dare to fail!"

Kirk McGee

Kris W. Lethin - "If you're flying in Alaska, watch out for ice!"

Larry A Levine - ”It's all okay, till it's not."

Larry Boyd

Larry E. Williamson

Larry R. Garis

Lee Ruble

Lee Thompson

Les Paul Zerbe

Lessing Stern

Liz Kester - "Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth... and loved it!"

Lyle E. Winter

Madeline O'Connell

Marc D. Overson

Marcus Paine

Marion Z Simon - "I enjoy being a member of a group that has a sincere passion for aviation."

Mark Allworden

Marshall Carter - "Watching aviation in Alaska ages 12-16 changed my life!"

Martin Hinshaw

Mary Gerken

Melvin Sheppard - "You only need one ticket to win. (Winner of 2008 Raffle Cub)"

Michael Pannone - "Consider the possible consequences of your proposed operation. Fly safe!"

Michael D. Wilson

Michael Rutledge

Mick Van Hatten

Mickey Sleeper

Mike Sage

Mona G Jensen - "Let the flying conditions be perfect so that the fun never ends."

Natalie Bay

Norman B. Bean

Patricia Kelly - "Happy flying in Alaska!"

Patrick N. Poe - "While I have long left Alaska, it has never left me!"

Patrick S. Twohy

Paul F. Kanitz

Penny R. Nixon

Peter Carpenter

Peter J. Heppe

Philip Morgan

Ralph Eller

Ralph Price

Randle S. Corfman - ”Wishing health, wealth, and great flying adventures to you!"

"Red" Beeman - "Calm winds and open passes."

Raymond Powell

Raymond Street

Rex I. Bishopp

Richard Clouse

Richard Eastman

Richard D. Siegrist

Richard "Dick" Lochner - "Without the Alaska Airmen Association, GA would not exist in Alaska."

Richard Pulley - "Never fly in ice, thunderstorms, or fog."

Richard R. Huff

Rick Davis

Rick Halford

Rick Richter

Robert A Freese

Robert Bogaard

Robert Gastrock - "Great flying over the great land!"

Robert M Nathanson

Robert N. Lewis - "Fly safe, and file a flight plan!"

Robert Peck - "Establish your limits, and don't break them."

Robert Sutherlin

Rodger C. Davis - "There is no joy like dancing with white puffy clouds on a clear day."

Roger Maynard

Ron Eagley

Ron Sheardown - "If you've never had a catastrophic failure, you'll never know your reaction."

Ronald A. Duncan - "Thanks to those wise old birds who helped me spread my wings."

Ronald C. Jacobs - "Keep thy air speed up lest the earth rise up and smite thee."

Ronald G Preston - "The best instrument in the aircraft is your brain, use it."

Ronald L Westfall

Ronald W. Haney

Roscoe C. Armstrong

Roy E. Callaway - "God bless Harry Gould and Connie Stanton."

Roy Longacre

Rupert Kiefer

Sara Maurer

Scott Johannes

Sean McGrane

Shawn Ansley - "You can sleep in your airplane, but you can't fly your house."

Simon Hamm - "The sky sure looks nice, Wanna go?"

Stacey Virgin

Stacy R. Stiller

Stephen Mengos

Steve Hulsey

Steve Libby - "God is my co-pilot."

Steven McCaughey

Steven Pannone

Sven Lincke

Terri Johnson

Terry Brandt

Terry C. Holliday - "Just because somebody else does it doesn't mean you can. Fly safe."

Thomas Young

Tim Berg - "Bureaucracy is the art of making the possible, IMPOSSIBLE! - Will Rogers"

Tim R. Culhane

Tim Randall

Timothy Brown

Timothy R Gaffney

Todd Nesom

Tom George

Tom Richardson

V.E. Seale

Vern L Kingsford - "Not to fly is to die slowly, without ever having lived."

Virgil Peachey

W. B. Stewart

W. Jay Marley Jr. DDS - "May you be blessed with great friends, blue skies, and calm winds."

Walt Schlotfeldt - ”Flying Floats in Remote Alaska has been one of my most memorable experiences!"

Warren L. Enyeart

William Bassett

William Brooks

William D. Belcher

William Dunbar

William E. Fisher

William F. Clutton - "Fly safely to live to fly another day. Learn from every flight."

William Fell

William Hately - "Help to preserve aviation present and past."

William J. Marley

William Mc Kee

William Stowe - "Angels (and pilots) can fly because they can take themselves lightly."

William Tweet

William W. Hartline


In memory of those who have flown West. 

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