2025 info is still being updated - Some info may be inaccurate!
Call office to Verify or email outreach@alaskaairmen.org

Why should you become a sponsor?
Are you looking for a unique and effective way to promote your business to a captive audience of aviation professionals and enthusiasts? Become a sponsor! You will gain access to our social media outreach of over 100,000 passionate aviators like yourselves! Take advantage of the best marketing opportunity available! All trade show sponsorships include:
+ The right to use a "sponsor" title (Great Alaska Aviation Gathering Sponsor) in your own promotional materials.
+ Recognition in the 2025 Commemorative Program
+ Recognition on all Alaska Airmen's social media channels (Total following over 100,000+)
+ Placement on the Great Alaska Aviation Gathering page, company logo and weblink
+ Recognition on signage during the Gathering
+ Banner Placement (Size subject to venue restrictions and sponsor level)
+ Public Address mentions
+ Recognition in the post-convention issue of The Transponder, the Alaska Airmen's Association official quarterly publication
+ Additional benefits based on level of contribution, listed under each level of sponsorship below

Choose to be an exclusive or partial sponsor of one or more of this year's Gathering programs or events. You will gain access to our social media outreach of over 100,000 passionate aviators like yourselves! Take advantage of the best marketing opportunity available! A la carte sponsorship opportunities include:
+ Airport Concert & Afterparty Sponsor
+ Aviation Youth Activity Center Sponsor
+ "Hands-On" Activity Sponsor
+ Anchorage Trolley Bus Sponsor *SOLD OUT*
+ "Famous" Volunteer Hoodie Sponsor *SOLD OUT*
+ Volunteer Lounge Sponsor
+ Aviation Career Fair Sponsor
+ Temporary Control Tower Sponsor *SOLD OUT*
+ Aviation Educational Seminar Sponsor
Get your name in front of thousands of members of the Alaskan Aviation Community!
Get your name in front of thousands of members of the Alaskan Aviation Community!
Over 20,000 patrons visited the Great Alaska Aviation Gathering in Palmer in each of the previous years. With the overwhelmingly positive feedback about our new location, we expect that number to continue to grow.
Get your brand in the hands of Alaska's commercial and private aircraft operators, owners, and mechanics. Reach all segments of Alaska's aviation community, from the student pilot and hobbyist to the regional air carrier operator. This is Alaska's premier aviation event!
Over 20,000 patrons visited the Great Alaska Aviation Gathering in Palmer in each of the previous years. With the overwhelmingly positive feedback about our new location, we expect that number to continue to grow.
Get your brand in the hands of Alaska's commercial and private aircraft operators, owners, and mechanics. Reach all segments of Alaska's aviation community, from the student pilot and hobbyist to the regional air carrier operator. This is Alaska's premier aviation event!