A Logical Idea That Might Make Your Engine Happier  

By William Fell

We all know that the soft iron of our engine cylinder walls rusts easily… And after our engines sit through months tied to the ground and not flown, rust accumulation occurs and mostly on the low side of the cylinder wall. Come spring and start up, the rings scrape away the rust leaving a defect in the cylinder wall and damaging the rings. This is the beginning of loss of compression by leak back along these rust caused defects and damaged rings. So, a possible way to slow this evil process… remove all top plugs, spray WD40 into spark plug hole in cylinder through five compression cycles (arbitrary and based on how long before I got good blow back of WD through plug hole) then install dehydrator plug or regular spark plug if you might fly soon. And look back and see “smile” on your cowling! 

Just an idea. If you have any questions or concerns about this process, you can contact me at williamfell1943@gmail.com. 

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